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MPH School Safety and Reporting - TITLE IX - Sexual Harassment

MPH School Safety and Reporting - TITLE IX - Sexual Harassment

The safety and security of students, staff, and our community are a top priority of Mary Putnam Henck Intermediate School and Rim of the World Unified School District. As such, please review relevant information about school safety, PBIS and the importance of reporting concerns in accordance with California state-mandated reporting requirements. 

Please know your MPH staff is here to support you. More information on Guidance, Counseling, and Care Solace supports may be accessed by clicking on the school links below. 

If you are experiencing an emergency please call 911, and follow up with school personnel for assistance as relevant to the circumstance/ situation. 

TITLE IX (Title 9) - Protecting students and school employees from sexual harassment

If you are aware of a concern relating to sexual harassment as defined by the 1972 Federal civil-rights law and updated in May of 2020, and in effect as of August 2020 by the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) please contact your MPH School Administration Team/ Site TITLE IX Coordinators - Principal, Terry Gomes, without delay, via email provided or by contacting the school via phone - 909 -336-0360. For additional assistance, the Rim of the World Unified School District TITLE IX Coordinator may also be contacted - Director of Special Services - Shannon Hansen via email Shannon Hansen or by phone - 909-336- 4100. 

The guidelines, which took effect on August 14, 2020 require reporting and apply to all types of sexual harassment, including: 

  • Student against student 
  • Student against a school employee 
  • School employee against a school employee 
  • School employee against a student  

Information provided by Public School Works - 2021