Dear Students, Families, & Staff,
The Rim of the World Marching Scots need your support! RHS marching band uniforms are 23 years old and in desperate need of replacement. To ensure our talented student musicians look as sharp as they sound, RHS Music Department are launching a Marching Band Uniform Fundraiser!
Your contribution will help provide new, high-quality uniforms that reflect the dedication and pride of our students as they represent our schools and community.
Every donation, big or small, makes a difference!
Mark you calendars for April 27th and join us for a special musical experience. Come and enjoy the Rim of the World High Jazz Band as they showcase their incredible talent!
Plus, bring your child along for the Fun and interactive Instrument Petting Zoo, where they can explore and try out different musical instruments!
Don't miss this fantastic opportunity to celebrate music and the community!
Thank you for supporting music in our district. Page One: We Need Your Help to support the Legacy of Music at RIM High School. For over 65 years, the Rim of the World High School Music Program has been a pillar of our mountain community. But after 23 years of wear & tear, our Marching Scots’ Band uniforms desperately need an upgrade! We need YOUR HELP to keep this tradition alive! Our Goal is to raise $20,000 Every dollar counts as we march toward outfitting our talented musicians in brand-new uniforms!
Page Two: Marching Forward TOGETHER! High on the mountain, strong and proud, Rim High’s music rings out loud. Through every note, each steady beat, Our Scots bring heart to every street. For decades past, our tunes have soared, A legacy cherished, loved, and adored. But time has worn what once stood bright, Our uniforms fade in the light. Twenty-three years, they’ve marched with pride, Through rain and sun, side by side. Now we ask our town so true- Will you HELP US march anew? A $20K goal stands in our sight, To dress the band in threads so bright. With every gift, both big & small, YOU help uphold this cherished call. Spaghetti dinners, bids that soar, Donations open-give some more! With cash, a check, or online too, Each dollar counts-thanks to YOU!
Page Three: Help the RHS Marching Scots Band get new uniforms. Ways to Support: Join Us for a Night of Food & Fun! Spaghetti Dinner and Silent Auction